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A War Story

Another WW1 anniversary has generated another round of unique, poignant publishing. Books for all ages to read, books to give readers of all ages an idea, a sense, of what living through a war - on whichever side you may find yourself - might really have been like.

The Button War by Avi introduces us to Patryk, who, at the age of 12, has never left his small Polish village. As a result, he knows very little about the world beyond. When one August day an aeroplane brings the war exploding into his peaceful life and his government fight the Russians for control, Patryk and his friends begin their own battle – for the best military button. What begins as a dare soon becomes a dangerous war of its own…

Captain Rosalie by Timothee de Flombelle and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Sam Gordon is the touching and heartfelt story of Rosalie and her mission to learn to read. With her father away at war, Mother reads his letters aloud to Rosalie. The hardback dust jacket lifts to reveal these letters and diary entries which, in conjunction with Arsenault's stunning images, makes for a terribly moving but hopeful tale as Rosalie's understanding deepens.

Our Jacko by Michael Morpurgo and illustrated by David Gentleman tells the tale of Michael discovering the notebook of his great-great-grandfather who was lost at Ypres. This discovery brings to light a deeply moving untold story...

In 1918, war was everywhere and affected all families. John is

typical of many: his father is in the trenches of France, fighting, whilst his mother works in the munitions factory just down the road. War is Over by David Almond does not hold back from the brutal reality of the war. The children continue to go to school but it is a harsh world of tough rules, punishments and the truth. Although the children are not hidden from the horrors of the war, the gentle way in which Almond tells the story means we can cope with the reading of it. The images are monochrome and perfectly suited to the story whilst the use of black pages for the times when the world is at its bleakest work perfectly.

Winter in Wartime by Jan Terlouw is a thrilling and powerful adventure story set in second world war Netherlands and based on his own experience. The country is under Nazi control - resist, and you will be punished by death.15 year old Michiel is not part of the resistance. But when he falls into the role of having to care for a wounded soldier he finds himself and his family at risk - but it is risk he considers it wise to take. This is a book that you will read on the edge of your seat.

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